Katina began directing films in 2006 while living and conducting research with indigenous healers in East Africa. This short film forayed into features, both documentaries at the United Nations as well as narrative features using non-actors.
She realized the power of ads after a VW commercial she worked on featuring people laughing all over the world played immediately after a tense and fraught presidential debate, reaching over 80 million people. She fell in love after directing a campaign for Facebook that an article claimed was seen 'by more viewers than anything in the history of time.'
The power to touch massive amounts of people and shift the overarching consciousness through seemingly small changes in representation, inclusion, and integrity has become the focus in her work. She's honored to partner with advertising agencies agencies including FCB, BBDO, Wieden+Kennedy, MullenLowe, and Olgilvy to work with brands like Chevy, Airbnb, and Apple.
She continues to push the boundary of how grand and expanded humanity can see and honor itself.
For commercial inquiries please contact: Park Pictures